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As a church, we support a number of missionary organisations that work to spread the good news of Jesus to people around the world and also to show God’s grace in helping to meet their practical needs. Paper-based literature is available in the Church building but  please contact Paul if you would like to receive Missionary Updates by email.

Zambesi Mission  

Zambesi Mission is an evangelical, non-denominational agency working in Malawi and northern Mozambique. Working in partnership with the Zambesi Evangelical Church they  aim to help African Christians to use their God-given gifts, to spread the gospel, and to show the love of God in practical ways, through health care, education and caring for orphans. 

The latest news of ZM work in Malawi can be found here

Regional contact: Ruth MacBean


Evangelical Bible College of Malawi (EBCoM)

For many years, we have supported students studying at the Evangelical Bible College of Malawi through the Zambesi Mission in Bible and ministry training before going or returning to pastoral ministry in Malawi and Mozambique. The College was founded in 1964. Our current sponsored student Jylos is in his third year of study at EBCoM. Update: https://zambesimission.org/this-is-our-bible-college/

Illyrian Gospel Trust

We have for many  years supported the work of Will Niven working as a church planter and pastor in Albania. Will’s work is supported through the IGT. The purpose of the trust is to promote the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the planting of indigenous Albanian churches and to be a resource of Christian work and co-operation in general among the Albanian peoples wherever they may be. 

Mission India

Mission India UK is seeking to reach the hundreds of millions in India who have never heard the Christian message, most of them in rural poverty. Through children's literacy groups, adult literacy classes and church planter sponsorship, Mission India seeks to bring a message of hope and a better life to the many disadvantaged peoples of India. Over recent years, GBC have been able to support through MI both children's literacy work and church planting into a few of the 500,000 unreached villages and regions in the Indian sub-continent.

Website for more info: https://missionindia.org.uk

Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF)

We are currently continuing our link with OMF through links with a  young couple who went out to the Far East in Spring 2018. 

Global Care

We support the work  of  Global Care, a Christian-based charity sharing God's love in a practical way with some of the world's most vulnerable and poorest children. In particular, we have engaged with the work with children in Kabompo, North Western Zambia, together with Global Care partners New Life Action Foundation Trust, delivering both educational and developmental support. Some of our church were privileged to visit this project in Summer 2019. To learn more visit  https://www.globalcare.org/project/zambia/.

We also support the work of Christian Initiative to Schools , Soldiers and Airmen Scripture Readers Association (SASRA) and AWM Pioneers 
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Planning your Visit


Hello and welcome to our church website! Please explore the tabs on the homepage to find out more about Grange Baptist Church. We hope you are able to find all the information you need but if you have any questions at all, feel free to contact us here. Here's a brief summary of what to expect on a Sunday morning - do click on the links below to find out more. We look forward to meeting you soon!

sunday service

What, Where and When

We meet every Sunday at 10.30am to worship God, speak to Him in prayer and hear from His Word together. Expect a warm welcome from our Welcome Team who will answer any questions you may have and help you find a seat. Our Sunday Services typically last 90 minutes and include a mix of modern and traditional songs led by a small contemporary worship group, times of prayer, the Bible reading and the main event: the Bible talk (sermon). For more information on what to expect on a Sunday, check out our dedicated Sundays page here. We meet at the church building and you can find full details of our address here. You are most welcome to join us and we hope to see you on a Sunday morning soon!


What about my children?

At GBC, we believe that as church family, it is good to meet together to worship the Lord as one body and for all ages to be welcomed and transformed by the preached Word of God (Romans 10:17). For this reason, our services are all-in and include Bible Bites, action songs and fun and accessible sermon packs to help each age and stage engage with and be nurtured by the main Bible teaching. For more information on how this works in practice, check out our dedicated Sundays for Families page here.